Fields in PWR apps represents what the columns represent in relational databases. It can store data values which are required for a particular object in a record. Fields can store many different types of data.
(C) Audit Fields
The above fields explained are explained as below:
(A) Standard Field:
Name is a standard field in every Custom object and the field gets created at the time of creation of object. This is cannot be deleted or edited.
For standard objects, the fields which are present by default in them, cannot be deleted from standard object.
(B) Custom Field:
Custom fields can be created on Standard or Custom object. They may or may not be required.
This field is come along with multiple date and time format. We can pr-defined date as minimum and maximum for by applying validation.
The date/time field also have feature accessibility like may or may not be Required, Select-able, Read-only or Sort-able, Create-able or Editable
The time duration field type is useful for time management, event planning, and project management. You a numeric field type intended for use with time duration measured in hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. Depending on the format of the duration field, the values are either stored as an integer or decimal representing a number of seconds.
The time type is useful for time management, event planning, and project management.
You can select the time field type when you create a custom field. The time type is a timestamp without the date included.
They typically appear in forms and dialog. Text field component design should provide a clear affordance for interaction, making the fields discoverable in layouts, efficient to fill in, and accessible.
Radio button:
Radio buttons A Tag field on a Content Type allows Content Contributors to label the content with keywords (tags) as it the content is contributed. Each Content Type can only have one Tag field. You can tag any field-value pair directly from the results of a search.
Radio button:
Radio buttons are arranged in groups of two or more and displayed on screen as, for example, a list of circular holes that can contain white space (for deselected) or a dot (for selected). Each radio button is normally accompanied by a label describing the choice that the radio button represents.
A formula field can reference the value of another custom or standard field using a merge field.
(C) Audit Field:
Record Id:
A Record ID can help you identify a record in the database. Each record in system has a unique ID field assigned to it which is known as Record ID. It is system generated and cannot be edited or deleted. It is generated every time a new record is inserted into the application.
Objects have an owner Id field that is a reference to the user who owns that object. Ownership is an important concept that affects the security model and has other implications throughout the system. Any user can query the owner field for any record they can access.
A Tag field on a Content Type allows Content Contributors to label the content with keywords (tags) as it the content is contributed. Each Content Type can only have one Tag field. You can tag any field-value pair directly from the results of a search.
Created By:
Created by field is a built-in (non-custom) audit field is used to record which syncing user created a record. You can not update that field once record is created.