This API is used to query records from a particular object
API queries records from the standard, custom, and metadata type object only if the user has the required access
HTTP method: POST
Base URL: https://api-{warehouse}.pwrapps.com
Endpoint: /data/v1/{instance}/{workspace}/query
By using an equals operator we will fetch records of the provided value
valueType: custom
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: days, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: weeks, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2023-07-14}
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: months, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2023-09-23}
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2024-02-23}
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: calYear, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date 2026-06-23}
valueType: relative
If conditions: {valueType: “relative”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date which comes according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: “today’s date and time”, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of date “today’s date + periodCount”
Greater Than
By using greaterThan greater than operator we will fetch records greater than the provided value
valueType: custom
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: days, periodCount: n}
It will return records of dates greater than the date which came according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records greater than the date 2023-06-26}
valueType: relative
If conditions: {valueType: “relative”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return records of dates greater than the date which those that came according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: “today’s date and time”, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of a date greater than “today’s date + periodCount” date
Greater Than Equal
By using the gte greater than equal operator we will fetch records greater than the provided value and the records of date thdate provided
valueType: custom
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: days, periodCount: n}
It will return a record of the date which came according to the period count and period unit, and records greater than the date
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of the date 2023-06-26 and records of a date greater than 2023-06-26 }
valueType: relative
If conditions: {valueType: “relative”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return a record of the date which came according to the period count and period unit, and records greater than the date
ex. {value: “today’s date and time”, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of a date “today’s date + periodCount” date and greater than that date
Less Than
By using the lt less than operator we will fetch records less than the provided value
valueType: custom
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: days, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date less than the date which came according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records less than the date 2023-06-20}
valueType: relative
If conditions: {valueType: “relative”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return records of the date less than the date which came according to the period count and period unit
ex. {value: “today’s date and time”, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of the date less than “today’s date - periodCount” date
Less Than Equals
By using the lte less than equal operator we will fetch records less than the provided value and the records of the date provided
valueType: custom
If conditions: {valueType: “custom”, periodUnit: days, periodCount: n}
It will return a record of the date which came according to the period count and period unit, and records less than the date
ex. {value: 2023-06-23, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of the date 2023-06-20 and records of a date less than 2023-06-20 }
valueType: relative
If conditions: {valueType: “relative”, periodUnit: calQuarter, periodCount: n}
It will return a record of the date which came according to the period count and period unit, and records less than the date
ex. {value: “today’s date and time”, periodCount: 3 then it will return records of a date “today’s date - periodCount” date and less than that date