Amount of license can be assigned to the instance
Amount Calculation:
Amount calculation can be calculated as follows:
Per quantity: Defines number of licenses can be assign per quantity
Fixed: Defines number of license can be assigned
The license can be assigned to user
User calculation can be calculated as follows:
Per quantity: Defines number of licenses can be assign per quantity to user
Fixed: Defines number of license can be assigned to user
Trial license Template
The Trial License Template will be used to maintain usage of features from the first day of product subscription
For example, the PWR Forms product can have a trial license template as follows
[{name: "layout_designer", users: 3, usersCalculation: 'fixed'}]
i.e layout_designer license can be assigned to 3 users and user calculation will be fixed for that license
License Template
After the trial period License Template will be used to maintain usage of the feature
For example Timesheet Admin User product can have a license template as follows
[{name: "orektic__timehseetAdminUser", users: 1, usersCalculation: 'fixed'}, {name: "orektic__timehseetProjects", users: 1, usersCalculation: 'per qty', amount: 5, amountCalculation: 'fixed'}]
i.e orektic__timehseetAdminUser can be asigned assigned to 1 user and user calculation will be fixed for that license, orektic__timehseetProjects can be assigned to 1 user per quantiyquantity, amount will be 5 and amount calculation will be 5